Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the new prior authorization rules, their requirements, and deadlines.

How does this impact patients?

Patients will experience a more efficient digital prior authorization process. There will be faster decisions through automation, increased transparency from published metrics, and better notifications directly to patients. Patients can also access their own prior authorization information electronically through apps connected to payer APIs.

Are all health plans required to follow these new rules?

The requirements apply to Medicare Advantage, Managed Medicaid, CHIP, and Health Insurance Marketplace plans. They do not apply to employer plans or traditional Medicare. However, health plans are increasingly adopting digital processes voluntarily.

What are the proposed decision-making timeframes for prior authorization in the new rules?

CMS proposes shortening the decision timeframes for prior authorizations within 72 hours for  urgent requests and seven calendar days for non-urgent requests. However CMIS is also seeking comment on alternative time frames with shorter turnaround times.

Will this lead to more care being approved?

The focus is on improving process efficiency, transparency and communication - not changing clinical approval criteria. Approval rates may improve if automation reduces incorrect denials due to insufficient information. But medical necessity criteria remain unchanged.

Where can I learn more?

The requirements were published as an open proposed rule on the CMS website (Link).

Still have questions?

If you still have questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to us. Our team is ready to assist you.